With École Martin Schongauer & Collège Hans Arp

Special Theatre Classes (CHAT) from the Réseau d'Éducation Prioritaire REP + Hans Arp (Elsau and Montagne Verte neighborhoods) have been running at the Martin Schongauer elementary school and the Hans Arp middle school since 2010. Led by the TJP Centre dramatique national de Strasbourg Grand Est and the Conservatoire de Strasbourg, around a hundred pupils from five classes, from CM to 3e, work together on a project devised by an artist commissioned by the TJP. Since 2023, the multidisciplinary artist Delphine Lanson who is in charge of artistic coordination, offering classes the chance to work and play around the theme of utopia.
During the school year 2023-2024this theme has turned to the axis of intimate and personal utopia under the heading You Topie. Accompanied and guided by the artistic and educational teams, the students explored their hopes, desires, ideals and dreams for the future. Drawing on their own intimate writings, ancestral stories and initiation narratives, they revealed a singular point of view on individual utopia.
For the second stage, which takes place over the school year 2024-2025, Elsautopie or Green Mountain: a path to utopiaDelphine Lanson will invite schoolchildren to explore utopian visions of their changing neighborhoods, reinforcing the written and spoken word, diversity and family inclusion. The project will expand into new horizons, with the 3e class performing on the main stage on Sunday, April 27, 2025, and the 5e class making a short documentary on the dreams of the inhabitants of their neighborhoods.
Each class is accompanied in this artistic process by a trio made up of their teacher, an artist commissioned by the TJP and a theater teacher from the Strasbourg Conservatory.
The following are or have been involved in this 3-year cycle on Utopia Matthieu Benigno, Marvin Mangwele Clech, Jonathan Genet, Sabine Grislin, Christine Kolmer, Antje Schur and Manon Texeira for the TJP; Rudi Berschinski, Cléo Carèje and Emma Massaux for the Conservatoire; Fouad Bellahcene and Guillaume Mast for the Martin Schongauer school; Giuseppe Cavaleri, Laurence Guillemaut and Émilie Muller-Trejo for the Hans Arp middle school.