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Directed by one or more artists, CDNs, or national drama centers, are theaters for theatrical creation throughout France.
When Kaori Ito took over as director of the TJP in January 2023, she wanted the theater team to be surrounded by multidisciplinary artists and children of all ages. Embodying contemporary trans-disciplinary theater, from text to body, via puppetry, new magic, circus, clowning, street arts... they will accompany the implementation of the TJP project. 

You'll find them in the programming throughout the seasons, in the shows hosted, the TJP commissions, the Love Labos or Labo Rêves but also as part of the workshops and programming at Le Lieu commun.


Louis Arene and Lionel Lingelser
(actors and directors)

Brice Berthoud and Camille Trouvé
(puppeteers and stage directors)

Marguerite Bordat 
(plastic surgeon)

Clément Dazin
(juggler and director)

Noémie Ettlin

Catherine Germain
(actress and clown)

Louis Gillard

Delphine Lanson
(actress and director)

Valentine Losseau and Raphaël Navarro
(magicians and stage directors)

Fabrice Melquiot
(writer-performer and director)

Juliette Steiner
(director, visual artist and actress)


This season, the TJP is further affirming the involvement of artists at the heart of the theater's project by creating an artist department. As an integral part of the employee organization chart and team meetings, artists are involved on a daily basis in the reflection and implementation of the CDN's project.

Kaori Itoartist manager
Louis Gillard
Delphine Lanson
Juliette Steiner


Visit Lovelabos are short research periods during which the artists on the committee get together to discuss their concerns and share their working methods. These experiments and discoveries sometimes give rise to public presentations.


Every season, the TJP commissions an artist to create a small-scale form to make a child's dream come true. 
This season we have entrusted this mission to Fatou Baactress and storyteller.
The creation of the Dream lab # 2 will be presented as part of Generation Seishun # 2



Would you like to take part in the life of the theater and make your ideas heard in a short-lived, intergenerational community?
Join the panel of experts!

By joining a group associated with the TJP project, you'll have the opportunity throughout the season to get involved in one or more proposed encounters between spectators, artists and the permanent team.

→ More info here.



At the TJP, children are the theater's partners.
Alongside the artists, they bring their invaluable insight into our society, helping to create new narratives to re-enchant the world. For the 24-25 season, children and teenagers are invited to take part in three collectives:
the collective in wordsthe collectif en scènethe collective in pictures

→ More info here.