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Children are invited to take their place in a space reminiscent of a clearing or camp, with a pond and tents in which they can settle in.

Two creatures arrive, half-human, half-Yokai. Friend or foe? As each tries to set up camp, a funny game begins. Imitation? Transformation? Will they be able to get along and create something together?

Little by little, Marvin Clech, a dancer who mixes contemporary with krump, and Naëma Tounsi, an actress and singer as comfortable with Mozart as she is with Ella Fitzgerald, will tame each other to blend their imaginations, eventually inviting the children to take part in their joyful round of change.

For their first creation for toddlers, directors Juliette Steiner and Kaori Ito use the pleasure of magical transformation to bring a carnival rite to life. The joy of becoming a monster, an animal, an object, a plant or a hybrid being is based on the freedom to move, sing and dance. In this way, we collectively create the possibility of turning perspectives upside down, of reinventing a world of possibilities, where change is a source of joy, laughter and hope.

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- From 18 months

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February 2nd and 3rd | KINGERSHEIM
MOMIX Festival 


March 5 to 16 | STRASBOURG

TJP CDN Strasbourg - Grand Est


March 30 and 31 | OBERHAUSBERGEN
Le PréO Centrartistique  

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